What is the Aging Process of the Face

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The world is fascinated and obsessed with staying young.  Thus, the immense amount of options and solutions promising eternal youth.

However, the most crucial information is lost within the desire of getting miraculous results or behind the next best skincare ingredient..  “THE AGING PROCESS” itself.

This series of articles about “The Aging Process of the SKIN” was inspired to me by the following quote :


                             Stanislaw Lec

When I read it; I realized that my 22 years of experience in aesthetics and beauty had never been so perfectly described in one phrase.

Do we understand what happens to our body as we get older? How hormones, genetics and environmental factors affect the way we age?

Each decade is challenged by diverse changes in intrinsic (internal) aging represented by pre-determined physiological and genetic factors and extrinsic (external) aging influenced by the environment, nutrition, lifestyle etc. which can be managed and determined by the individual.

Once we understand the challenges that our body faces in each stage, it is easier and wiser to find solutions that are more assertive.

The SKIN in the 20’s

In the 20’s the skin’s integral structure is strong and full of vitality.

The epidermis (outer skin layer)  provides a strong protective film and balanced moisture, with a normal cell turnover of dead skin cells, showing new cells constantly, while the dermis (inner skin layer) is nourished by a healthy vascular flow, full of nutrients and high levels of oxygen, providing a youthful radiance.

High levels of estrogen maintain the skin texture soft and pliable making it more resilient and resistant to lines & wrinkles.

Abundant content of hyaluronic acid and proteins such as collagen and elastin cushion the skin with the precise padding to provide the perfect support and contours , thus the well-known “inverted triangle” associated with youth.. high full cheeks with a slim and well-defined jaw line..

Although the ideal conditions are physiologically present to look young and beautiful, this is the decade where lifestyle factors will influence significantly in the future.

Smoking, drinking, poor sleeping habits, bad nutrition and sun exposure are detrimental to the skin and eventually will show the result of the abuse. At this time is very smart to start a basic skincare regimen and to create great skin care habits.

Example of a basic Skincare Regimen

The skincare is determined by the skin condition

  • A mild cleanser (avoid the ones containing sodium lauryl sulfate, over dries the skin)
  • A good antioxidant serum and/or light moisturizer
  •  A well-formulated sunscreen     

          These 3 steps will become your best friends.

  • **If under eye bags or circles are starting to show, this would be a good time to introduce also an eye product.  Look for ingredients such as helichrysum , arnica, vitamin K, Ecsin, peptides, vitamin C etc..

by increasing micro-circulation undereye bags and dark circles are improved.


If acne is a problem, some of the best known ingredients to help acne are:

Salicylic acid, azelaic acid, glycolic acid, retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, Sulphur, tea tree oil, green tea among many others.. Some of these ingredients exfoliate deeply and can cause dryness if not used properly.

Take into consideration that acne is a chronic condition and it needs daily care to see improvement, also because the ingredients can be drying, it is recommended to look for the guidance of a professional to recommend the best regimen in order to get better results and avoid unwanted effects.

For more acne tips and solutions  take a look a this article 

Professional skin treatments to improve acne

Skin Therapies:

  • Oxygen facials ( improve acne minimizing colonization of bacteria) –
  • Microdermabrasion- dermal infusion (exfoliation and nourishment) –
  • Collagen Induction Therapy (acne scarring)
  • Acne Facials –
  • LED Light Therapy ( to increase cellular energy, reduce inflammation and halter the growth of bacteria) –
  • Pore Cleansing Facials

Clinical Therapies:

Laser Technology and IPL  (Intense Pulse Light) can help improve active acne and  post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (residual pigment from acne lesions) and acne scarring.

*Always looks for a professional to get these treatments.

*Conjunctive dermatological therapies are recommended, especially in cases of inflammatory acne to get the acne under control and avoid further tissue damage.




The SKIN in the 30’s

In the 30’s the skin’s structural changes begin to happen.

The natural padding that used to hold the skin firm and tight starts to shift creating shadows.

Estrogen levels start to fluctuate more drastically making the skin thinner and less pliable, therefore more prone to showing  lines & wrinkles and causing sometimes a predominance in testosterone levels which can manifest in acne. This is why we see many cases of adult acne. People that never had a problem, all of a sudden develop acne in their 30’s or older.

Cell renewal cycles begin to slow down, causing the skin to loose radiance while, solar damage and hormonal changes start to become apparent in uneven pigmentation.

By losing padding in areas like the cheeks (malar) and other medial regions of the face; folds and lines become more accentuated around the mouth (nasolabial) and the eyes (periorbital), creating crow’s feet  and laugh lines.

This is the decade where the skin needs to be taken seriously. No cheating allowed… everything we do during this time will affect the aging process of the skin later.

What to do to maintain your skin looking  healthy and youthful.

Anti-aging ingredients should be used regularly to treat and prevent further tissue deterioration.

Great ingredients to introduce at this time are:

  • Line-Relaxing Peptides
  • vitamin C & E
  • retinoids
  • hyaluronic acid
  • A good sunscreen used daily even if the day is overcasted
  • Skin brighteners such as arbutin, kojic acid, licorice, lightening peptides if hyperpigmentation is a concern.

***An eye product is highly recommended containing retinol, peptides and other anti-wrinkle and collagen stimulating ingredients to fight crow’s feet and loose skin around the eyes.

If acne is a problem, some of the best known ingredients to help acne are:

Salicylic acid, azelaic acid, glycolic acid, retinoic acid, benzoyl peroxide, Sulphur, tea tree oil, green tea.

Take into consideration that adult acne tend to be inflammatory and is closely related to hormonal unbalances, it is still considered a chronic condition and needs daily care to get improvement and maintain clear skin. Also because the ingredients can be drying, it is recommended to look for a professional to guide you on the best regimen according to your individual case in order to get better results and avoid unwanted effects.

At this age, regular professional skin treatments would be a great addition because they can help to exfoliate  more deeply, stimulate and nourish the skin  providing it with optimum nutrients and increasing cellular energy that the skin will use to maintain its normal functioning.

Professional skin treatments that offer solutions:

Skin Therapies:

  • Oxygen facials ( have a brightening and refreshing effect) –
  • Microdermabrasion- dermal infusion (exfoliation and nourishment) –
  • Collagen Induction Therapy (micro-needling)-
  • Micro-Current ( for muscle tone)-
  • LED Light Therapy ( to increase cellular energy and rejuvenation)
  • Chemical Peels

Clinical Therapies:

  • IPL (Intense Pulse Light) works great on sun spots-
  • Fractionated Laser Technology (for overall rejuvenation, lines & wrinkles, skin texture, hyperpigmentation) –

Cosmetic Options:

  • Botox (lines & wrinkles)-
  • Fillers (to restore volume and symmetry) for example in the following areas: a)nasolabial folds b) tear through (to correct tired- looking eyes) – cheek augmentation ( to restore volume in the upper face)
  • PRP (Plateles Rich Plasma injections) Rich in Growth Factors from your own blood, help repair tissues providing overall rejuvenation



How the skin ages in the 30's


The SKIN in the 40’s

The forties is a beautiful decade because you know who you are and what you want.

But that also makes you realize that if you want to maintain your skin looking youthful you must live a healthy lifestyle. it’s not a choice anymore and you won’t have to wait a decade to see the effects of what you do.

The 40’s present more significant changes in shape and overall structure of the face.

Lower levels of estrogen affect hard and soft tissue. Density is lost not only from adipose (fat) tissue but also from loss in bone and muscle mass, making the face look more “bony”.  The cheek pads are shifted making the nasolabial folds more pronounced and a less defined jaw line. Most people complain at this age of looking tired all the time.

The dermis (inner skin layer) where the collagen forms, looses vascular irrigation and vitality. Cellular exchange and communication is not as efficient causing DNA alterations and malfunctioning of damaged cells and tissues.

Collagen deteriorates and elastic fibers lose their ability to bounce back into place. In the surface (the epidermis), the skin cannot longer hold high levels of moisture, causing textural changes and dryness.

It is in this decade that you can see the results of everything you have been doing for years. Good and bad..

Some of those changes are inevitable because they are part as I said previously, of the chronological aging process, but many of those signs can be less apparent if the person has been taking good care of the skin and has had a healthy lifestyle.

At this age, regular professional skin treatments should be part of your MAINTENANCE PROGRAM because the skin needs STIMULATION to speed up cell turn over and improve collagen production so that it can continue to perform its normal functioning at its fullest potential.

Great ingredients to use in your skin regimen:

  • Vitamin C & E
  • Stem cells
  • retinoids
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Lipids and ceramides
  • Peptides
  • Niacinamide
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen
  • Exfoliating acids such as glycolic (best for people with more resilient skin or more pronounced sun damage) Lactic acid ( best for sensitive skin and dry skin)



  • Resveratrol
  • Glutathione
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Cruciferous  are great to help with estrogen balance some of them are: arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and collard greens.
  • Seeds like: flaxseed, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B Complex ( helps to balance hormones, provides energy and fights high levels of stress)
  • Collagen Peptides


Daily use of sunscreen is a must!

The skin tends not to tan evenly anymore, instead uneven pigmentation (dyschromias) appear.

Non- surgical Professional skin treatments that offer solutions:

Skin Therapies:

  • Oxygen facials ( have a brightening and refreshing effect) –
  • Microdermabrasion- dermal infusion (exfoliation and nourishment) –
  • Collagen Induction Therapy (micro-needling)-
  • Micro-Current ( for muscle tone)-
  • LED Light Therapy ( to increase cellular energy and rejuvenation)
  • Chemical peels

Clinical Therapies:

  •  Radio Frequency and Ultrasound Technology (Skin Firming) –
  • IPL (Intense Pulse Light) works great on sun spots-
  • Laser Technology (for overall rejuvenation, lines & wrinkles, skin texture, hyperpigmentation) – vascular distention (broken capillaries)

Cosmetic Options :

  • Botox (lines & wrinkles)-
  • Fillers (to restore volume and symmetry) nasolabial folds- jawline- marionette lines- tear through – cheek augmentation

RESTORING THE VOLUME LOST ON THE CHEEKS AND AROUND THE EYES, GIVES AN IMMEDIATE REFRESHING EFFECT. Always look for a qualified and experienced physician to perform all cosmetic procedures, that way you can get the best results.

  • PRP (Plateles Rich Plasma injections) Rich in Growth Factors from your own blood, help to create and repair tissue providing overall rejuvenation




How the skin ages in the 40's


The SKIN in the 50’s & Beyond

Major changes happen to the body at this time.

Menopause has a dramatic effect on the skin.

The rapid decrease in estrogen levels causes the skin to become thinner and less elastic; showing blood vessels and bruising easily. Volume loss around the eyes creates a hollow appearance giving the aspect of being tired.

Essential components of the protective lipidic film of the epidermis (outer skin layer) are affected resulting in sensitivities and sometimes allergic reactions to ingredients and things that had no adverse effect before. The skin loses the ability to retain optimum moisture levels, resulting in dryness and a rougher texture. Cellular repairing becomes more challenged.

Collagen turns more rigid while elastic bands that have lost resiliency creating deeper folds around the mouth and jawline, losing its definition.

Uneven pigmentation and skin irregularities are more noticeable.

A healthy life style is the best defense against aging and at this time is more important than ever.

We all have heard the expression “use it or lose it” well, it’s very true. Exercising regularly and being active physically and mentally can help maintain flexibility and mental performance along with many other benefits for our overall health.  Selecting nutritious foods to nourish the body with powerful vitamins and antioxidants will serve as the first line of defense against free radical damage. Practicing any activity that helps to alleviate stress levels will do wonders for our general well-being.

Be diligent  about the use of a corrective skin care regimen with active ingredients; serums are fantastic because they are normally formulated with higher percentages of active ingredients.  Most people think just about using a moisturizer, that is great but  you are missing out on layering other active ingredients that can help in the correction of certain skin concerns.


Great ingredients to use in your skin regimen are:

  • Vitamin C & E
  • Stem cells
  • Retinoids
  • hyaluronic acid
  • lipids and ceramides
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen
  • Peptides
  • Niacinamide
  • Biotin
  • Skin brighteners such as arbutin, kojic acid, licorice, lightening peptides if hyperpigmentation is a concern.
  • Exfoliating acids such as glycolic (best for people with more resilient skin or more pronounced sun damage) Lactic acid ( best for sensitive skin and dry skin)

*Sunscreen should complete your morning regimen daily!


  • Resveratrol
  • Glutathione
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Cruciferous  are great to help with estrogen balance some of them are: arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and collard greens.
  • Seeds like: flaxseed, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B Complex ( helps to balance hormones, provides energy and fights high levels of stress)
  • Collagen Peptides
  • Calcium

Non- surgical Professional Skin Treatments that offer solutions:

Skin Therapies:

  • Oxygen facials( have a brightening and refreshing effect) –
  • Microdermabrasion- dermal infusion (exfoliation and nourishment) –
  • Collagen Induction Therapy (micro-needling)-
  • Micro-Current ( for muscle tone)-
  • LED Light Therapy ( to increase cellular energy and rejuvenation)
  • Chemical Peels

Clinical Therapies:

  • Radio Frequency  and ultrasound technology (Skin Firming) –
  • IPL (Intense Pulse Light) works great on sun spots-
  •  Laser Technology (for overall rejuvenation, lines & wrinkles, skin texture, hyperpigmentation) –

Cosmetic :

  • Botox (lines & wrinkles)-
  • Fillers (to restore volume and symmetry) nasolabial folds- jawline- marionette lines- tear through – cheek augmentation
  • PRP (Plateles Rich Plasma injections) Rich in Growth Factors extracted from your own blood, helps to repair tissues at a cellular level providing overall rejuvenation




How the skin ages in the 50's______________________________________________________________________________

Thank you very much for being here.

Until next time,

Dora Salazar

Medical Aesthetician


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