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Learn about the 7 Dimensions for Overall Wellness

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In recent years, people are under too much pressure, besides balancing the different aspects of their lives. Family, job, friends, so finding time for yourself can be hard. High stress levels can leave you feeling over-tired and result in physical and emotional conditions.

Many of those stressing factors mentioned above get in the way to finding overall wellness, which is the state of being in good health, getting better day by day. Wellness has several dimensions that offer different benefits for every area of your life. So, to find a good balance, while keeping low levels of stress and emotional problems, you must work on each of the seven dimensions.

Seven dimensions of overall wellness

It can look difficult to maintain all the paths, plus all your responsibilities and demands, but having discipline wanting to take care of yourself will reward you with overall wellness. Learn all about the seven dimensions!

  1. Physical wellness: this one is of course about your body. Exercise, have a good time of sleep, eat a balanced diet, and pay attention to its warnings. Your body allows you to fulfill all your activities and chores, while having all the energy for the day.
  2. Emotional wellness: normally, people tend to withhold their emotions, and that will never be healthy. Learning how to process and express them will help you to have a better life. Follow several tips like talking with someone that will listen to you without judging you, have a positive and optimistic attitude, practice an activity where you can release your emotions, and accepting yourself for who you are.
  3. Social wellness: relationships are always a huge part of your life, so nurturing and having good ones are important for your overall wellness because being sociable is part of being human. Of course, with age finding new relations can be difficult; but with different techniques, you definitely can improve your social skills. Some of them are: join groups of common grounds, try to make new friends naturally, and nourish your existing ones.
  4. Intellectual wellness: your brain is one of the most important organs: it will define your personality, your intelligence, and knowledge. For that single reason, it’s important to train it. Age is not an impediment to keep learning new abilities and improve the old ones. Stimulating the brain is a fun exercise and one that has great benefits for you.
  5. Spiritual wellness: this dimension doesn’t depend on a specific religion, but if you want to rely on one is your ultimate choice. This is more about your beliefs, faith, and values that form your character and moral guidance. In hard times, you can take a deep journey within yourself and find all the guidance and strength to keep fighting and never give up.
  6. Environmental wellness: it will be important to treat your surroundings and the planet in general in good ways. Protecting nature will give you a feeling of doing the right things, and make others to follow your example. Earth needs us to be more in sync with its wounds, so helping it to be better will give you a sensation of being a nice person and be on the right path.
  7. Occupational wellness: here, you will find passion in your workplace to find realization and be happy with what you are doing. There are many ways to improve this dimension, and they will depend on your job and your personality.

To have a good quality of life you must work on these dimensions and applying them on your daily routines. These are the best qualities for our overall wellness, so keep improving to become the best you!

overall wellness to live in peace
Apply these principles that will help you lead a full life.

Instagram: @Dbeautyclick

Twitter: @Dbeautyclick

Facebook: Dora Salazar

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