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Author: Dora Salazar

Skin Talk

Do collagen supplements work?

 Collagen supplements are booming claiming to give you back glowing skin and to combat aging. Are they worth a try? Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is

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Skin Talk

Tips for microneedling

Acclaimed by celebrities and beauty professionals, Microneedling is all the rage in skincare treatments at the moment and for a good reason. It can literally transform your skin and even

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Skin Talk

Can I get acne from cosmetics ?

Have you found yourself trapped in a cycle of little tiny bumps that look like whiteheads ? Normally, cosmetic acne lesions are non-inflammatory and although you may not relate cosmetic

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Skin Talk

Serum VS. Cream

Is your bathroom cabinet full of serums or are you more of a cream fanatic? I am sure that if you are like most people the answer will probably be

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